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Hymn: The life of Christ, the love of God
Hymn: The life of Christ, the love of God
by Andrew Pratt
The life of Christ, the love of God, that we have seen, that we have known, gives comfort and encouragement to know we never are alone. The light of Christ is shining still, where we are met to break the bread, where homeless people find some warmth and where a hungry child is fe
Hymn: This awesome world that fills us with amazement
Hymn: This awesome world that fills us with amazement
by Andrew Pratt
This awesome world that fills us with amazement:your Spirit breathed and all things came to be; each stunning scene extends imagination, the fruitful land and every spreading sea. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: DONNE SECOURS; LORD OF THE YEARS Metre: Andrew Pratt (born 194
Out of hope we act with boldness
Out of hope we act with boldness
by Andrew Pratt
Out of hope we act with boldness, Christ sustaining us through grace now our faith unveils the Godhead, now we're praying face to face. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: LOVE DIVINE (Stainer) Metre: Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 24/1/2013 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England, w
LWPT Meditations - Second Sunday of Advent - Year A
LWPT Meditations - Second Sunday of Advent - Year A
by Susan Thorne
Meditation – Second Sunday of Advent Yr A Isaiah 11:1-10 Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19 Romans 15:4-13 Matthew 3:1-12 The Advent Bible readings contain a lot of promises. Isaiah 11:1 foretells a descendent (“a shoot”) from Jesse, the father of King David. As a king’s heir he too will reign
LWPT Meditations - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A
LWPT Meditations - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A
by Susan Thorne
Meditation – Second Sunday Ordinary Time Yr A Isaiah 49:1-7 Psalm 40:1-11 John 1:29-42 There is the shock of sudden recognition in the gospel reading today. It is an experience some of us have, perhaps once in a lifetime, when we see in someone or in an event, the fulfilment of
LWPT Meditations - Fourth Sunday of Advent - Year A
LWPT Meditations - Fourth Sunday of Advent - Year A
by Susan Thorne
Meditation – Fourth Sunday of Advent Yr A Isaiah 7:10-16 Romans 1:1-7 Matthew 1:18-25 Matthew liked to refer to the prophets, and, although he had to stretch one or two prophecies in order to make them fit, he was zealous in proving that Jesus’ birth had long been foretold by th
LWPT Meditations - Sixth Sunday of Easter - Year B
LWPT Meditations - Sixth Sunday of Easter - Year B
by Susan Thorne
Meditation - 6th Sunday of Easter Year B Acts 10: 44-48 Psalm 98 1 John 5: 1-6 John 15: 9-17 “They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have.” (Acts 10 v 47). The first gentile believers were not like the Jewish Christians who had a life-long knowledge of the scriptures. Nor
LWPT Meditations - Third Sunday in Lent - Year A
LWPT Meditations - Third Sunday in Lent - Year A
by Susan Thorne
Meditation – Third Sunday in Lent Year A Exodus 17:1-7 Psalm 95 Romans 5:1-11 John 4:5-42 As we move closer to Good Friday and Easter, our readings focus more intensely on the purpose of Jesus’ life on earth, on his interaction with individuals and on how our salvation was achiev
LWPT Meditations - Trinity Sunday - Year B
LWPT Meditations - Trinity Sunday - Year B
by Susan Thorne
Meditation - Trinity Sunday Year B Isaiah 6: 1-8 Psalm 29 Romans 8: 12-17 John 3: 1-17 "Your majesty, I can but bow; I lay my all before you now." Those words from song 18 in "Singing the Faith" epitomise our only possible response in the face of the awesome presence of Almighty
clouds and glory - Proper 16 - Year A
clouds and glory - Proper 16 - Year A
by SPCK - David Adam
Proper 16 Year A Sunday between 21 and 27 August inclusive Lord, transform us by your love, that we may know and do your will, that we may live and work to your praise and glory, through Christ, the King of glory, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, world
Hymn: Grace and peace to all God's people
Hymn: Grace and peace to all God's people
by Andrew Pratt
Grace and peace to all God's people from the Word before all worlds, all transcendent cosmic lover, in our presence grace unfolds. Born into the world among us, Christ the Word, incarnate Love knowing human strength and weakness, raise our eyes to things above. Verses 3-4 follows
Hymn: Simultaneous translation
Hymn: Simultaneous translation
by Andrew Pratt
Simultaneous translation, Parthians, Medes, and Elamites, all the world, it seemed, was listening, here the Spirit cheers, unites. Awe and wonder stunned the people, something new had come to birth, now the Holy Spirit, flaming, spread God's grace across the earth. Verse 3 follow
Hymn: The whirring of wings amid smoke in the temple
Hymn: The whirring of wings amid smoke in the temple
by Andrew Pratt
The whirring of wings amid smoke, in the temple: a man in humility bows before God. The pillars are quaking, the threshold is shaken, he kneels in the place where his forebears have trod. A quest for identity, who will be chosen? The question: the one to be blessed with God's gra
Not in some future span of time
Not in some future span of time
by Andrew Pratt
Not in some future span of time, but every moment that we live, is when to trust the grace of God, to offer love and to forgive. Now is the hour to realise the height and depth, the breadth and length of love in which our lives are held, God's everlasting grace and strength. Vers
John for Everyone Part 1 - Division among Jesus' Followers
John for Everyone Part 1 - Division among Jesus' Followers
by SPCK - N T Wright
Division among Jesus’ Followers John 6.60-71 I once went to a lecture that was supposed to be an introduction to philosophy. It quickly appeared that the great philosopher wasn’t interested in introducing the subject, but in talking about it at a high level to the small group of
Hebrews for Everyone - Don't Neglect God's Salvation!
Hebrews for Everyone - Don't Neglect God's Salvation!
by SPCK - N T Wright
Don’t Neglect God’s Salvation HEBREWS 2.1-4 A well-known story imagines a devout Christian stuck on a ledge halfway down a cliff. Hundreds of feet below, the sea rages around jagged rocks. Above him is a sheer, unclimbable wall of rock. He prays fervently for God to rescue him. S
Paul for Everyone Romans part 1 - God's Determined Faithfulness